After many years trying to bring them back from near extinction, Bald Eagles are making a resurgence in Indiana. The Bald Eagle, our national symbol, was removed from the endangered species list in 2007. Currently, there are more than one hundred nesting pairs in our state, leading to more sightings of these stunning birds right here in our area.
Bald Eagles typically nest in low developed areas, such as forested areas near water, on tall, mature trees that give them a good view of the area that they are in. They make their nests big enough for the average human to fit in, around five-six feet wide and two feet deep. Eagles can consume small animals such as fish, waterfowl, rabbits, squirrels and other animals that weigh up to one pound. In 2016, it was estimated that there were 300 eagle nesting territories in Indiana.
General Characteristics
- Bald eagles are larger than most raptors. In flight, the bald eagle holds its large broad wings flat. Species that look similar include the turkey vulture and osprey, but distinct differences are present.
- Adult bald eagles have white feathered heads with a dark brown body and wings. The tail is also white.
- Legs and beaks are bright yellow in adults.
- Immature bald eagles have mostly dark heads and bodies with white mottling throughout. Young birds will gain adult plumage at 5 years of age.
- Males and females are identical in color.
- Can live up to 38 years in the wild.
- Males weigh 8 to 9 pounds; while females weigh 10 to 14 pounds.
- Wingspan of 6.5 to 7 feet.
- Total body length ranges from 28 to 38 inches.
- Bald eagles may fly up to 40 mph during normal flight, but they can reach speeds of 100 when diving for prey.
- Active flight is with slow, powerful wingbeats. They soar and glide usually on flat wings. Bald eagles have a noticeable, unusual flight behavior of banking and flapping their wings vigorously while vertical.
If you see a Bald Eagle please fill out the Bald Eagle Sighting Form to document the location, that information will automatically be mapped for all to view.
Bald Eagle Submission Form
Bald Eagle Sightings Map