Internship Opportunities - The Greenwood Stormwater Department is always accepting applications for Interns. Job responsibilities and hours vary. Please see job description here. Applications can be filled out through our Human Resources Department here.
Report a Drainage Problem or Polluter - It's illegal to litter and/or dump waste into our stormwater system. If you see someone in violation of these laws, please report it.
Stormwater Technical Standards Manual - 2025 Revision
Easement Encroachment Permit - Required before the erection of any fences or structures, the planting of any tree or shrubs, or the introduction of any rain garden or bioswale in an existing drainage easement or utility easement. This permit is required on all properties, of any use and any size.
IDEM – Rule 5 Notice of Intent - A general permit, with an application called a Notice of Intent (NOI). This permit is issued from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) notifying the agency of the intent to operate a proposed construction project in a manner consistent with the "permit conditions" established by Rule 5. Click here for more information.
Land Alteration Permit - Issued after a residential site plan, commercial site plan, secondary plat or approval request has been reviewed. This permit provides for the commencement of land disturbance in anticipation of eventual building construction on the property. It signifies that the submitted development design complies with the zoning, subdivision control and drainage ordinances.
Operation and Maintenance Manual Agreement - Specifications required to maintain stormwater quality structures on private property.
Self-Monitoring Report (Individual Lots)
Start or Stop Service - This may only occur if a property changes ownership.
Stormwater Erosion & Sediment Control Permit - Required for all individual lots disturbing 10,000 sq. ft. or more of total land area. A formal review and issuance of this permit is required before a building permit can be issued. Similarly, for individual lots disturbing less than 10,000 sq. ft. of total land area, developed within a larger permitted project, a permit is necessary before a building permit can be issued.
Stormwater Management Permit - Issued to all development or redevelopment of land that results in land disturbance of one (1) acre or more. This application is part of the site development process and SWPPP plan. The fee is $50.00 to be submitted with the Land Alteration Permit application.
Stormwater Nuisance Investigation - Landowners have the right to file a request with the Board of Public Works & Safety to investigate alleged stormwater nuisances. The fee to file a petition is $200.00.
Stormwater Rate Determination Appeal - If any Stormwater Utility customer feels that the ERU multiple assigned to his or her property is inaccurate, they may file an appeal.
Stormwater Requirements Waiver Request - Any person or entity requesting a waiver/variance of issues of water quantity and/or water quality, must complete and submit this form. The issue will then be placed on the agenda for the following public meeting of the Board of Public Works & Safety.
Notice of Termination (NOT) Form - Once construction activity has been completed *OR* sold to another entity, the project site owner is required to terminate permit coverage. (This requires final stabilization of the entire project area, including removal of all temporary erosion and sediment control measures.) Specifications required to maintain stormwater quality structures on private property.